The following important judgements are available for download at
CIT vs. Holcim India P. Ltd (Delhi High Court)
S. 14A & Rule 8D disallowance cannot be made if there is no exempt income or if there is a possibility of the gains on transfer of the shares being taxable.
(ii) Income exempt under Section 10 in a particular assessment year, may not have been exempt earlier and can become taxable in future years. Further, whether income earned in a subsequent year would or would not be taxable, may depend upon the nature of transaction entered into in the subsequent assessment year. For example, long term capital gain on sale of shares is presently not taxable where security transaction tax has been paid, but a private sale of shares in an off market transaction attracts capital gains tax. It is an undisputed position that assessee is an investment company and had invested by purchasing a substantial number of shares and thereby securing right to management. Possibility of sale of shares by private placement etc. cannot be ruled out and is not an improbability. Dividend may or may not be declared. Dividend is declared by the company and strictly in legal sense, a shareholder has no control and cannot insist on payment of dividend. When declared, it is subjected to dividend distribution tax;
Alliance Infrastructure Projects Pvt. Ltd vs. DCIT (ITAT Bangalore)
S. 14A & Rule 8D disallowance cannot be made if there is no exempt income. Cheminvest Ltd. vs. ITO 121 ITD 318 (Ahd) (SB) is not good law.
There is no dispute that the assessee had no exempt income during both the years involved. No doubt as mentioned by the DR, the Special Bench of this Tribunal in the case of Cheminvest Ltd. vs. ITO 121 ITD 318, had held that disallowance under section 14A could be made even in an year in which no exempt income was earned or received by the assessee. This decision of Special Bench of the Tribunal has been, in our opinion, impliedly overruled by various decisions of different High Courts, namely, CIT vs Shivam Motors P. Ltd. (All HC), CIT vs. Corrtech Energy Pvt. Ltd (Guj HC), CIT vs. Winsome Textile Industries Ltd 319 1TR 204 (P&H), CIT Vs.Delite Enterprises (Bom HC) & CIT vs. Lakhani Marketing (P&H HC). Therefore, unless and until there is receipt of exempted income for the concerned assessment years, s. 14A of the Act cannot be invoked.
Parmanand Tiwari vs. ITO (ITAT Kolkata)
Rule 37BA (credit for TDS) inserted w.e.f. 01.04.2009 to mitigate hardship to taxpayers has to be treated as being retrospective in nature__._,_.___
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