1. Timing - Give the training too early (and people forget), too late and... well, its too late! 2. Content - It is tempting to try and give all the content at once, but this causes overload. Its better to concentrate on the 20% of content that will cover 80% of requirements, make this mandatory, and then cover the other 20% later as a masterclass. 3. Synergy - Providing training that isn't directly related to the job or the company priority has limited impact. People are just too focussed on the day to day demands of the role. If the link isn't clear, ! 4. Method - Too much training is still all about download, whether its in a classroom or online. People need to be actively engaged in training for it to stick. Using a variety of methods appealing to different learning styles, and keeping it active is vital. 5. 'Fit' - Similar to synergy and method, the training has to feel right and be easy to understand and use. Training that feels too far removed from the daily reality will be dismissed. If you buy in generic training, deliver it yourself, or use a trainer who knows your business so that they can tailor the content to fit. using examples about office behaviour is pointless if your audience works in a warehouse for example. 6. Assessment - Just because some has attended doesn't mean they've understood. Just because they understand doesn't mean they can DO. Checks should be built in to measure learning (in a positive way) to provide extra help for people who don't get it first time, or simply need longer to learn. 7. Application - What gets measured gets done. Perhaps the biggest problem I see is complete lack of follow up in the workplace. It doesn't matter what trainers say - what managers say/want is what gets done, so unless people are expected to apply learning back at work, they often won't. 8. Separation - Training is often seen as something separate to work, and an additional task. Encouraging informal as well as formal training helps to incorporate learning into everyday operations. Develop managers as trainers and coaches and (most importantly) allow them time to train and coach on the job! I'm sure the TrainingZone Community will come up with another 2 reasons to make this a 'Top Ten'. Take steps to avoid these common mistakes and get the most out of your effort this year! Louise Gelsthorpe
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